Tiberius Tunica: Cutting Instructions

Use the power of the paperless option - do not print this pattern

Tiberius is just a big rectangle, so printing the pattern out is a bit of a waste. Save a tree, toggle the paperless option, and copy the dimensions to your fabric, while respecting the grainline.

Tiberius consists of only one part, the tunica, that will act as a pattern for both front and back pieces.

  • cut 2 tunicae,

You have two options here: Either you cut your tunica in two pieces as described above, or you cut it in only one piece. Historically speaking, the time period or location you’re aiming for can make a difference (ancient Rome vs. ancient Greece, for example). If you care about authenticity, I suggest researching this a bit.

On Historical Accuracy

The further we go back in time, the less extant garments we have to base research on. Often there may be scraps of fabric left behind by stroke of luck but most of our information starts to come from (in archaeology) secondary sources like written texts from contemporaries.

This is especially true for the Roman and Mediaeval eras, not to mention that a lot of the available research is behind a paywall.

We can’t be 100 percent historically accurate, because we’re living in a different time, and everything we use to sew is different now from before. Even fabric is woven in a different way.

How ‘accurate’ you want to be is up to you, there is no wrong way to do this and research is not required — though it can be fun!