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- Can I use FreeSewing patterns for commercial purposes?
- How can I sign up? I never received the E-mail to activate my account!
- I'm having trouble with measurements. What should I check?
- Where did the "standard" measurements go?
- Why are seam allowances not included by default?
- Why are seam allowances tapered?
- Why do you even publish womenswear blocks? They are [insert strong opinion here].
- Why don't you use double notches to mark the back of the pattern?
- Pattern Notation Guide
- Terminology
- Your rights as a FreeSewing user
FreeSewing Designs
Bee bikini top
- Bee bikini top: Cutting Instructions
Bee bikini top: Design Options
- Armhole depth (Bella)
- Back dart height (Bella)
- Band (chest) tie length
- Band (chest) tie width
- Band Length (Cross back ties)
- Bottom depth
- Bust span ease
- Chest ease
- Cross back ties
- Duo color ties
- Front armhole pitch depth (Bella)
- Front curve
- Front shoulder width (Bella)
- Full chest reduction (Bella)
- High bust width (Bella)
- Neck tie colours
- Neck tie length
- Neck tie width
- Pointed tie ends
- Reversible
- Shoulder to Shoulder ease (Bella)
- Show Bella
- Side curve
- Side depth
- Ties
- Top Depth
- Waist ease
- Bee bikini top: Designer Notes
- Bee bikini top: Fabric Options
- Bee bikini top: Required Measurements
- Bee bikini top: Sewing Instructions
- Bee bikini top: What You Need
Bella body block
- Bella body block: Cutting Instructions
Bella body block: Design Options
- Armhole depth
- Back armhole curvature
- Back armhole pitch depth
- Back armhole slant
- Back dart height
- Back hem slope
- Back neck cutout
- Bust dart curve
- Bust dart length
- Bust span ease
- Chest ease
- Front armhole curvature
- Front armhole pitch depth
- Front shoulder width
- Full chest ease reduction
- High bust width
- Shoulder to Shoulder ease
- Waist dart length
- Waist ease
- Bella body block: Designer Notes
- Bella body block: Fabric Options
- Bella body block: Required Measurements
- Bella body block: Sewing Instructions
- Bella body block: What You Need
Bent body Block
- Bent body Block: Cutting Instructions
Bent body Block: Design Options
- Across back factor
- Armhole depth
- Armhole depth factor
- Back neck cutout
- Biceps ease
- Chest ease
- Collar ease
- Cuff ease
- Draft for high bust
- Front armhole extra cutout
- Legacy armhole depth
- Length bonus
- Shoulder ease
- Shoulder seam shift: armhole side
- Shoulder seam shift: collar side
- Shoulder slope reduction
- Sleeve bend
- Sleeve length bonus
- Sleevecap ease
- Sleevecap height
- Bent body Block: Designer Notes
- Bent body Block: Fabric Options
- Bent body Block: Required Measurements
- Bent body Block: Sewing Instructions
- Bent body Block: What You Need
Bibi body block
- Bibi body block: Cutting Instructions
Bibi body block: Design Options
- Across back factor
- Armhole curve back
- Armhole curve front
- Armhole depth
- Armhole drop back
- Back Neckline curvature
- Back Neckline depth
- Biceps ease
- Bust adjustment
- Bust ease
- Chest ease
- Curvature adjustment
- Dart
- Fit the waist
- Flare
- Front Neckline curvature
- Front Neckline depth
- Hips ease
- Knit binding height
- Length
- Length adjustment
- Length bonus
- Neckline width
- Ribbing height
- Ribbing stretch
- Seat back adjustment
- Seat ease
- Shoulder ease
- Shoulder slope reduction
- Sleeve ease
- Sleeve fullness
- Sleeve length
- Sleevecap Q1 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q1 offset
- Sleevecap Q1 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q2 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q2 offset
- Sleevecap Q2 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q3 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q3 offset
- Sleevecap Q3 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q4 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q4 offset
- Sleevecap Q4 upward spread
- Sleevecap back X
- Sleevecap back Y
- Sleevecap ease
- Sleevecap front X
- Sleevecap front Y
- Sleevecap top X
- Sleevecap top Y
- Sleeves
- Strap width
- Use cuff ribbing
- Use waistband ribbing
- Waist adjustment
- Waist ease
- Bibi body block: Designer Notes
- Bibi body block: Fabric Options
- Bibi body block: Required Measurements
- Bibi body block: Sewing Instructions
- Bibi body block: What You Need
Breanna body block
- Breanna body block: Cutting Instructions
Breanna body block: Design Options
- Across back factor
- Armhole depth factor
- Back neck cutout
- Biceps ease
- Bust dart
- Bust dart length
- Bust darts shaping
- Chest ease
- Collar ease
- Cuff ease
- Front armhole extra cutout
- Front scye dart
- Secondary bust dart
- Secondary bust dart length
- Shoulder dart
- Shoulder dart length
- Shoulder dart size
- Shoulder ease
- Shoulder slope reduction
- Sleeve length bonus
- Sleevecap Q1 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q1 offset
- Sleevecap Q1 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q2 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q2 offset
- Sleevecap Q2 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q3 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q3 offset
- Sleevecap Q3 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q4 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q4 offset
- Sleevecap Q4 upward spread
- Sleevecap back X
- Sleevecap back Y
- Sleevecap ease
- Sleevecap front X
- Sleevecap front Y
- Sleevecap top X
- Sleevecap top Y
- Vertical ease
- Waist dart
- Waist dart length
- Waist dart size
- Waist ease
- Breanna body block: Designer Notes
- Breanna body block: Fabric Options
- Breanna body block: Required Measurements
- Breanna body block: Sewing Instructions
- Breanna body block: What You Need
Brian body block
- Brian body block: Cutting Instructions
Brian body block: Design Options
- Across back factor
- Armhole depth
- Armhole depth factor
- Back neck cutout
- Biceps ease
- Chest ease
- Collar ease
- Cuff ease
- Draft for high bust
- Front armhole extra cutout
- Legacy armhole depth
- Length bonus
- Shoulder ease
- Shoulder seam shift: armhole side
- Shoulder seam shift: collar side
- Shoulder slope reduction
- Sleeve length bonus
- Sleeve width guarantee
- Sleevecap Q1 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q1 offset
- Sleevecap Q1 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q2 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q2 offset
- Sleevecap Q2 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q3 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q3 offset
- Sleevecap Q3 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q4 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q4 offset
- Sleevecap Q4 upward spread
- Sleevecap back X
- Sleevecap back Y
- Sleevecap ease
- Sleevecap front X
- Sleevecap front Y
- Sleevecap top X
- Sleevecap top Y
- Brian body block: Designer Notes
- Brian body block: Fabric Options
- Brian body block: Required Measurements
- Brian body block: Sewing Instructions
- Brian body block: What You Need
Carlita coat
- Carlita coat: Cutting Instructions
Carlita coat: Design Options
- Across back factor
- Armhole depth
- Armhole depth factor
- Back neck cutout
- Belt width
- Biceps ease
- Chest ease
- Chest pocket angle
- Chest pocket height
- Chest pocket placement
- Chest pocket width
- Collar flare
- Collar height
- Collar spread
- Contour
- Cuff ease
- Cuff length
- Front armhole extra cutout
- Front overlap
- Horizontal button spacing
- Horizontal pocket placement
- Inner pocket depth
- Inner pocket placement
- Inner pocket welt height
- Inner pocket width
- Lapel reduction
- Legacy armhole depth
- Length
- Pocket flap radius
- Pocket height
- Pocket radius
- Pocket width
- Seat ease
- Shoulder ease
- Shoulder seam shift: armhole side
- Shoulder seam shift: collar side
- Shoulder slope reduction
- Sleeve bend
- Sleeve length bonus
- Sleevecap ease
- Sleevecap height
- Vertical pocket placement
- Waist ease
- Carlita coat: Designer Notes
- Carlita coat: Fabric Options
- Carlita coat: Required Measurements
- Carlita coat: Sewing Instructions
- Carlita coat: What You Need
Carlton coat
- Carlton coat: Cutting Instructions
Carlton coat: Design Options
- Across back factor
- Armhole depth
- Armhole depth factor
- Back neck cutout
- Belt width
- Biceps ease
- Chest ease
- Chest pocket angle
- Chest pocket height
- Chest pocket placement
- Chest pocket width
- Collar flare
- Collar height
- Collar spread
- Cuff ease
- Cuff length
- Draft for high bust
- Front armhole extra cutout
- Front overlap
- Horizontal button spacing
- Horizontal pocket placement
- Inner pocket depth
- Inner pocket placement
- Inner pocket welt height
- Inner pocket width
- Lapel reduction
- Legacy armhole depth
- Length
- Pocket flap radius
- Pocket height
- Pocket radius
- Pocket width
- Seat ease
- Shoulder ease
- Shoulder seam shift: armhole side
- Shoulder seam shift: collar side
- Shoulder slope reduction
- Sleeve bend
- Sleeve length bonus
- Sleevecap ease
- Sleevecap height
- Vertical pocket placement
- Waist ease
- Carlton coat: Designer Notes
- Carlton coat: Fabric Options
- Carlton coat: Required Measurements
- Carlton coat: Sewing Instructions
- Carlton coat: What You Need
Charlie chinos
- Charlie chinos: Cutting Instructions
Charlie chinos: Design Options
- Back pocket depth
- Back pocket facing
- Back pocket horizontal placement
- Back pocket vertical placement
- Back pocket width
- Belt loops
- Cross seam angle
- Cross seam bend
- Crotch drop
- Crotch seam angle
- Crotch seam bend
- Fly curve
- Fly length
- Fly width
- Front pocket depth
- Front pocket facing
- Front pocket slant bend
- Front pocket slant depth
- Front pocket slant round
- Front pocket slant width
- Front pocket width
- Grainline position
- Knee ease
- Leg balance
- Length bonus
- Seat ease
- Start of the cross seam curve
- Start of the crotch seam curve
- Waist balance
- Waist ease
- Waist height
- Waistband Curve
- Waistband width
- Charlie chinos: Designer Notes
- Charlie chinos: Fabric Options
- Charlie chinos: Required Measurements
- Charlie chinos: Sewing Instructions
- Charlie chinos: What You Need
Diana draped top
- Diana draped top: Cutting Instructions
Diana draped top: Design Options
- Across back factor
- Armhole depth
- Armhole depth factor
- Biceps ease
- Chest ease
- Cuff ease
- Draft for high bust
- Drape angle
- Front armhole extra cutout
- Hips ease
- Legacy armhole depth
- Length bonus
- Shoulder ease
- Shoulder seam length
- Sleeve length bonus
- Sleeve width guarantee
- Sleevecap Q1 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q1 offset
- Sleevecap Q1 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q2 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q2 offset
- Sleevecap Q2 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q3 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q3 offset
- Sleevecap Q3 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q4 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q4 offset
- Sleevecap Q4 upward spread
- Sleevecap back X
- Sleevecap back Y
- Sleevecap ease
- Sleevecap front X
- Sleevecap front Y
- Sleevecap top X
- Sleevecap top Y
- Waist ease
- Diana draped top: Designer Notes
- Diana draped top: Fabric Options
- Diana draped top: Required Measurements
- Diana draped top: Sewing Instructions
- Diana draped top: What You Need
Huey hoodie
- Huey hoodie: Cutting Instructions
Huey hoodie: Design Options
- Across back factor
- Armhole depth
- Armhole depth factor
- Back neck cutout
- Biceps ease
- Chest ease
- Collar ease
- Cuff ease
- Draft for high bust
- Front armhole extra cutout
- Hips ease
- Hood angle
- Hood closure
- Hood cutback
- Hood depth
- Hood height
- Legacy armhole depth
- Length bonus
- Pocket height
- Pocket width
- Ribbing
- Ribbing height
- Ribbing stretch
- Shoulder ease
- Shoulder seam shift: armhole side
- Shoulder seam shift: collar side
- Shoulder slope reduction
- Sleeve length bonus
- Sleeve width guarantee
- Sleevecap Q1 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q1 offset
- Sleevecap Q1 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q2 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q2 offset
- Sleevecap Q2 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q3 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q3 offset
- Sleevecap Q3 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q4 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q4 offset
- Sleevecap Q4 upward spread
- Sleevecap back X
- Sleevecap back Y
- Sleevecap ease
- Sleevecap front X
- Sleevecap front Y
- Sleevecap top X
- Sleevecap top Y
- Huey hoodie: Designer Notes
- Huey hoodie: Fabric Options
- Huey hoodie: Required Measurements
- Huey hoodie: Sewing Instructions
- Huey hoodie: What You Need
Jaeger jacket
- Jaeger jacket: Cutting Instructions
Jaeger jacket: Design Options
- Across back factor
- Armhole depth
- Armhole depth factor
- Back neck cutout
- Back vent
- Back vent length
- Biceps ease
- Button length
- Center back dart
- Center front hem drop
- Chest ease
- Chest pocket angle
- Chest pocket depth
- Chest pocket placement
- Chest pocket welt size
- Chest pocket width
- Chest shaping
- Collar ease
- Collar height
- Collar notch angle
- Collar notch depth
- Collar notch return
- Collar roll
- Collar spread
- Cuff ease
- Draft for high bust
- Front armhole extra cutout
- Front cutaway angle
- Front cutaway end
- Front cutaway start
- Front dart placement
- Front overlap
- Front pocket depth
- Front pocket placement
- Front pocket radius
- Front pocket width
- Hem radius
- Hips ease
- Inner pocket depth
- Inner pocket placement
- Inner pocket welt height
- Inner pocket width
- Lapel reduction
- Lapel start
- Legacy armhole depth
- Length bonus
- Number of buttons
- Pocket fold-over
- Roll-line collar height
- Shoulder ease
- Shoulder slope reduction
- Side/Front placement
- Sleeve bend
- Sleeve length bonus
- Sleeve vent length
- Sleeve vent width
- Sleevecap ease
- Sleevecap height
- Waist ease
- Jaeger jacket: Designer Notes
- Jaeger jacket: Fabric Options
- Jaeger jacket: Required Measurements
- Jaeger jacket: Sewing Instructions
- Jaeger jacket: What You Need
Noble body block
- Noble body block: Cutting Instructions
Noble body block: Design Options
- Armhole Dart Position
- Armhole depth
- Back armhole curvature
- Back armhole pitch depth
- Back armhole slant
- Back dart height
- Back hem slope
- Back neck cutout
- Bust span ease
- Chest ease
- Dart position
- Front armhole curvature
- Front armhole pitch depth
- Front shoulder width
- Full chest ease reduction
- High bust width
- Shoulder Dart Curvature
- Shoulder Dart Position
- Shoulder to Shoulder Ease
- Upper Dart Length
- Waist dart length
- Waist dart position
- Waist ease
- Noble body block: Designer Notes
- Noble body block: Fabric Options
- Noble body block: Required Measurements
- Noble body block: Sewing Instructions
- Noble body block: What You Need
Onyx One-piece
- Onyx One-Piece: What You Need
- Onyx One-piece: Cutting Instructions
Onyx One-piece: Design Options
- Armpit ease
- Back on fold
- Center seam ease
- Chest ease
- Crotch gusset width
- Front on fold
- Hips ease
- Hood depth
- Hood height
- Hood hem
- Hoodfrontbonus
- Hoodfrontdip
- Leg hem
- Leg hem ease
- Leg length
- Leg ribbing
- Leg ribbing length
- Leg ribbing width
- Leg taper position
- Neck ease
- Neck position
- Neck style
- Neckband length
- Neckband width
- Outseam ease
- Raglan scoop depth
- Raglan scoop length
- Seat ease
- Skirt
- Skirt hem
- Skirt length
- Skirt waistband
- Skirt width
- Sleeve ease
- Sleeve hem
- Sleeve length
- Sleeve length
- Sleeve ribbing
- Sleeve ribbing length
- Sleeve ribbing width
- Upper leg ease
- Waist ease
- Wrist ease
- Zipper guard width
- Zipper length
- Zipper position
- neck guard length
- Onyx One-piece: Designer Notes
- Onyx One-piece: Fabric Options
- Onyx One-piece: Required Measurements
- Onyx one-piece: Sewing Instructions
Opal Overalls
- Opal Overalls: Cutting Instructions
Opal Overalls: Design Options
- Back bib base angle
- Back bib base curve
- Back bib hexagon height
- Back bib hexagon side height
- Back bib hexagon vertical position
- Back bib hexagon width
- Back pocket
- Back pocket corner height
- Back pocket corner width
- Back pocket height
- Back pocket horizontal position
- Back pocket vertical position
- Back pocket width
- Bib height
- Bib placket layers
- Bib placket width
- Bib pocket
- Bib pocket feature curve
- Bib pocket feature height
- Bib pocket feature width
- Bib pocket height
- Bib pocket on fold
- Bib pocket on fold
- Bib pocket style
- Bib pocket vertical position
- Bib pocket width
- Bib waist drop
- Bib width
- Carpenter pocket
- Carpenter pocket anchor vertical position
- Carpenter pocket anchor width
- Carpenter pocket extra
- Carpenter pocket extra height
- Carpenter pocket height
- Carpenter pocket height
- Carpenter pocket opening height
- Cross seam curve angle
- Cross seam curve bend
- Cross seam curve start
- Crotch drop
- Crotch ease
- Crotch fork balance
- Crotch seam curve angle
- Crotch seam curve bend
- Crotch seam curve start
- Hammer loop
- Hammer loop corner horizontal position
- Hammer loop corner vertical position
- Hammer loop curve
- Hammer loop first fold
- Hammer loop outseam
- Hammer loop second fold
- Hammer loop width
- Hem allowance
- Leg balance
- Leg hem allowance
- Leg hem ease
- Leg length
- Outseam height
- Seat balance
- Seat ease
- Slash pocket
- Slash pocket height
- Slash pocket opening curve
- Slash pocket opening height
- Slash pocket opening width
- Slash pocket shield overlap
- Slash pocket width
- Strap length
- Strap length
- Strap position
- Strap taper curve
- Strap taper position
- Thigh shape
- Waist balance
- Waist ease
- Waist position
- Waistband layers
- Waistband width
- Opal Overalls: Designer Notes
- Opal Overalls: Fabric Options
- Opal Overalls: Required Measurements
- Opal Overalls: Sewing Instructions
- Opal Overalls: What You Need
Paco pants
- Paco pants: Cutting Instructions
Paco pants: Design Options
- Ankle/Hem elastic width
- Back pockets
- Cross seam angle
- Cross seam bend
- Crotch drop
- Crotch seam angle
- Crotch seam bend
- Elasticated cuff
- Front pockets
- Grainline position
- Heel ease
- Leg balance
- Length bonus
- Seat ease
- Start of the cross seam curve
- Start of the crotch seam curve
- Waist balance
- Waist ease
- Waist height
- Waistband width
- Paco pants: Designer Notes
- Paco pants: Fabric Options
- Paco pants: Required Measurements
- Paco pants: Sewing Instructions
- Paco pants: What You Need
Simon shirt
- Simon shirt: Cutting Instructions
Simon shirt: Design Options
- Across back factor
- Armhole depth
- Armhole depth factor
- Back dart shaping
- Back darts
- Back neck cutout
- Biceps ease
- Box pleat
- Box pleat fold
- Box pleat width
- Button free length
- Button placket style
- Button placket width
- Buttonhole placket fold width
- Buttonhole placket style
- Buttonhole placket width
- Chest ease
- Collar angle
- Collar bend
- Collar ease
- Collar flare
- Collar gap
- Collar roll
- Collar stand bend
- Collar stand curve
- Collar stand width
- Collar width
- Cuff button rows
- Cuff drape
- Cuff ease
- Cuff length
- Cuff narrow button
- Cuff style
- Draft for high bust
- Extra top button
- Flat-felled seam allowace
- Front armhole extra cutout
- Hem curve
- Hem style
- Hips ease
- Legacy armhole depth
- Length bonus
- Number of buttons
- Round back
- Separate button placket
- Separate buttonhole placket
- Seperate button placket
- Seperate buttonhole placket
- Shoulder ease
- Shoulder seam shift: armhole side
- Shoulder seam shift: collar side
- Shoulder slope reduction
- Sleeve length bonus
- Sleeve placket length
- Sleeve placket width
- Sleeve width guarantee
- Sleevecap Q1 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q1 offset
- Sleevecap Q1 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q2 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q2 offset
- Sleevecap Q2 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q3 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q3 offset
- Sleevecap Q3 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q4 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q4 offset
- Sleevecap Q4 upward spread
- Sleevecap back X
- Sleevecap back Y
- Sleevecap ease
- Sleevecap front X
- Sleevecap front Y
- Sleevecap top X
- Sleevecap top Y
- Split yoke
- Waist ease
- Yoke height
- Simon shirt: Designer Notes
- Simon shirt: Fabric Options
- Simon shirt: Required Measurements
- Simon shirt: Sewing Instructions
- Simon shirt: What You Need
Simone shirt
- Simone shirt: Cutting Instructions
Simone shirt: Design Options
- Across back factor
- Armhole depth
- Armhole depth factor
- Back dart shaping
- Back darts
- Back neck cutout
- Biceps ease
- Box pleat
- Box pleat fold
- Box pleat width
- Bust dart angle
- Bust dart length
- Bust-aligned buttons
- Button free length
- Button placket style
- Button placket width
- Buttonhole placket fold width
- Buttonhole placket style
- Buttonhole placket width
- Chest ease
- Collar angle
- Collar bend
- Collar ease
- Collar flare
- Collar gap
- Collar roll
- Collar stand bend
- Collar stand curve
- Collar stand width
- Collar width
- Contour
- Cuff button rows
- Cuff drape
- Cuff ease
- Cuff length
- Cuff narrow button
- Cuff style
- Draft for high bust
- Extra top button
- Flat-felled seam allowace
- Front armhole extra cutout
- Front dart length
- Front darts
- Hem curve
- Hem style
- Hips ease
- Legacy armhole depth
- Length bonus
- Number of buttons
- Round back
- Separate button placket
- Separate buttonhole placket
- Seperate button placket
- Seperate buttonhole placket
- Shoulder ease
- Shoulder seam shift: armhole side
- Shoulder seam shift: collar side
- Shoulder slope reduction
- Sleeve length bonus
- Sleeve placket length
- Sleeve placket width
- Sleeve width guarantee
- Sleevecap Q1 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q1 offset
- Sleevecap Q1 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q2 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q2 offset
- Sleevecap Q2 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q3 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q3 offset
- Sleevecap Q3 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q4 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q4 offset
- Sleevecap Q4 upward spread
- Sleevecap back X
- Sleevecap back Y
- Sleevecap ease
- Sleevecap front X
- Sleevecap front Y
- Sleevecap top X
- Sleevecap top Y
- Split yoke
- Waist ease
- Yoke height
- Simone shirt: Designer Notes
- Simone shirt: Fabric Options
- Simone shirt: Required Measurements
- Simone shirt: Sewing Instructions
- Simone shirt: What You Need
Sven sweatshirt
- Sven sweatshirt: Cutting Instructions
Sven sweatshirt: Design Options
- Across back factor
- Armhole depth
- Armhole depth factor
- Back neck cutout
- Biceps ease
- Chest ease
- Collar ease
- Cuff ease
- Draft for high bust
- Front armhole extra cutout
- Hips ease
- Legacy armhole depth
- Length bonus
- Ribbing
- Ribbing height
- Ribbing stretch
- Shoulder ease
- Shoulder seam shift: armhole side
- Shoulder seam shift: collar side
- Shoulder slope reduction
- Sleeve length bonus
- Sleeve width guarantee
- Sleevecap Q1 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q1 offset
- Sleevecap Q1 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q2 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q2 offset
- Sleevecap Q2 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q3 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q3 offset
- Sleevecap Q3 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q4 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q4 offset
- Sleevecap Q4 upward spread
- Sleevecap back X
- Sleevecap back Y
- Sleevecap ease
- Sleevecap front X
- Sleevecap front Y
- Sleevecap top X
- Sleevecap top Y
- Sven sweatshirt: Designer Notes
- Sven sweatshirt: Fabric Options
- Sven sweatshirt: Required Measurements
- Sven sweatshirt: Sewing Instructions
- Sven sweatshirt: What You Need
Teagan T-shirt
- Teagan T-shirt: Cutting Instructions
Teagan T-shirt: Design Options
- Across back factor
- Armhole depth
- Armhole depth factor
- Back neck cutout
- Chest ease
- Draft for high bust
- Fit the waist
- Front armhole extra cutout
- Hips ease
- Legacy armhole depth
- Length bonus
- Neckline curvature
- Neckline depth
- Neckline width
- Shoulder slope reduction
- Sleeve ease
- Sleeve length
- Sleeve width guarantee
- Sleevecap Q1 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q1 offset
- Sleevecap Q1 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q2 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q2 offset
- Sleevecap Q2 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q3 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q3 offset
- Sleevecap Q3 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q4 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q4 offset
- Sleevecap Q4 upward spread
- Sleevecap back X
- Sleevecap back Y
- Sleevecap ease
- Sleevecap front X
- Sleevecap front Y
- Sleevecap top X
- Sleevecap top Y
- Waist ease
- Teagan T-shirt: Designer Notes
- Teagan T-shirt: Fabric Options
- Teagan T-shirt: Required Measurements
- Teagan T-shirt: Sewing Instructions
- Teagan T-shirt: What You Need
Tristan top
- Tristan Top: Cutting Instructions
Tristan top: Design Options
- Armhole depth
- Bust span ease
- Chest ease
- Depth of the cut in the back
- Depth of the cut in the front
- Front shoulder width
- Full chest ease reduction
- Hem Size
- Hem option
- High bust width
- Lacing location
- Lacing option
- Lacing width
- Peplum Size
- Peplum fullness
- Peplum option
- Roundness of the cut in the back
- Roundness of the cut in the front
- Shoulder Dart Curvature
- Shoulder Dart Position
- Shoulder to Shoulder Ease
- Strap width
- Upper Dart Length
- Waist dart length
- Waist dart position
- Waist ease
- Zipper location
- Tristan top: Designer Notes
- Tristan top: Fabric Options
- Tristan top: Required Measurements
- Tristan top: Sewing Instructions
- Tristan top: What You Need
Umbra undies
- Umbra undies: Cutting Instructions
Umbra undies: Design Options
- Back exposure
- Back waist dip
- Back waist dip shape
- Bulge
- Bulge fullness
- Elastic stretch
- Flip back part
- Front exposure
- Front reduction
- Front waist dip
- Front waist dip shape
- Gusset position
- Gusset width
- Horizontal fabric stretch
- Leg rise
- Minimum fabric width
- Pocket gap
- Pocket height
- Pockets
- Rise
- Split position
- Vertical fabric stretch
- Umbra undies: Designer Notes
- Umbra undies: Fabric Options
- Umbra undies: Required Measurements
- Umbra undies: Sewing Instructions
- Umbra undies: What You Need
Wahid waistcoat
- Wahid waistcoat: Cutting Instructions
Wahid waistcoat: Design Options
- Armhole depth
- Armhole depth factor
- Back inset
- Back scye dart
- Center back dart
- Chest ease
- Draft for high bust
- Front inset
- Front scye dart
- Hem radius
- Hem style
- Hips ease
- Legacy armhole depth
- Length bonus
- Neck inset
- Neck opening style
- Neckline drop
- Number of buttons
- Pocket angle
- Pocket location
- Pocket width
- Shoulder inset
- Waist ease
- Welt height
- Wahid waistcoat: Designer Notes
- Wahid waistcoat: Fabric Options
- Wahid waistcoat: Required Measurements
- Wahid waistcoat: Sewing Instructions
- Wahid waistcoat: What You Need
Waralee wrap pants
- Waralee wrap pants: Cutting Instructions
Waralee wrap pants: Design Options
- Back Crotch Factor Horizontal
- Back Crotch Factor Vertical
- Back Raise
- Back pocket
- Crotch Back
- Crotch Front
- Fit waist
- Front Crotch Factor Horizontal
- Front Crotch Factor Vertical
- Front pocket
- Front pocket style
- Hem size
- Knot in Front
- Knot position
- Leg Shortening
- Leg Size
- Separate waist band
- Show mini
- Waist Band
- Waist Overlap
- Waist Raise
- Waralee wrap pants: Designer Notes
- Waralee wrap pants: Fabric Options
- Waralee wrap pants: Required Measurements
- Waralee wrap pants: Sewing Instructions
- Waralee wrap pants: What You Need
Yuri hoodie
- Yuri hoodie: Cutting Instructions
Yuri hoodie: Design Options
- Across back factor
- Armhole depth
- Armhole depth factor
- Back neck cutout
- Biceps ease
- Chest ease
- Collar ease
- Cuff ease
- Draft for high bust
- Front armhole extra cutout
- Hips ease
- Legacy armhole depth
- Length bonus
- Shoulder ease
- Shoulder seam shift: armhole side
- Shoulder seam shift: collar side
- Shoulder slope reduction
- Sleeve length bonus
- Sleeve width guarantee
- Sleevecap Q1 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q1 offset
- Sleevecap Q1 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q2 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q2 offset
- Sleevecap Q2 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q3 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q3 offset
- Sleevecap Q3 upward spread
- Sleevecap Q4 downward spread
- Sleevecap Q4 offset
- Sleevecap Q4 upward spread
- Sleevecap back X
- Sleevecap back Y
- Sleevecap ease
- Sleevecap front X
- Sleevecap front Y
- Sleevecap top X
- Sleevecap top Y
- Yuri hoodie: Designer Notes
- Yuri hoodie: Fabric Options
- Yuri hoodie: Required Measurements
- Yuri hoodie: Sewing Instructions
- Yuri hoodie: What You Need
Measurements we use
- Ankle circumference
- Biceps circumference
- Bust front
- Bust point to underbust
- Bust span
- Chest circumference
- Cross seam
- Cross seam front
- Crotch depth
- HPS to bust
- HPS to waist back
- HPS to waist front
- Head circumference
- Heel circumference
- High bust
- High bust front
- Hips circumference
- Inseam
- Knee circumference
- Neck circumference
- Seat back
- Seat circumference
- Shoulder slope
- Shoulder to elbow
- Shoulder to shoulder
- Shoulder to wrist
- Underbust
- Upper leg circumference
- Waist back
- Waist circumference
- Waist to armpit
- Waist to floor
- Waist to hips
- Waist to knee
- Waist to seat
- Waist to underbust
- Waist to upper leg
- Wrist circumference
Sleevecap Q1 offset
This option controls the offset in the first quadrant of the sleevecap.
See understanding the sleevecap for an in-depth look into how the sleevecap is constructed and the influence of the different options on its shape.
Contents by
- Authors:
- Maintainers:
- Last updated: 6 months ago