Bibi body block: Cutting Instructions

  • Main fabric
    • Cut 1 Front on the fold
    • Cut 1 Back on the fold
    • Cut 2 Sleeve(s) mirrored (if enabled)
  • Ribbing
    • Cut 1 Neck Binding
    • Cut 2 Armhole Binding(s) or Cuff(s) (depending on selected options)
    • Cut 1 Waistband (if enabled)


  • There is extra hem allowance at the bottom hem if there is no Waistband part.
  • There is extra hem allowance at the sleeve part if there is no Cuff part.
  • There is no seam allowance on the neck opening.
  • There is no seam allowance on the armhole if the sleeve is disabled.
  • There is no seam allowance on the long sides of the Armhole Binding and Neck Binding parts.

You can cut the front or back parts on the fold, or you can cut the halves separately and sew them together. This is especially useful if you only have smaller pieces of fabric or if you want to add buttons or zippers to your design. In this case, make sure to add sufficient seam allowance on the center fold.