Tiberius Tunica: Designer-Notizen


Lunetius, Tiberius and Walburga really come as a set. Not only were they born at the same time, they are designed to work together to form a full outfit. Not that this means that they can’t be made separately ;)

Tiberius was the first of the bunch, and also the simplest: a simple, nice tunica, inspired by the ones worn by Romans in the late republic, early empire (I can tell you that I read quite a lot of references and looked at pictures of statues and reliefs to figure out the “how long should it be?” question). This was a garment I wanted to make as part of a costume for my TTRPG (table-top roleplaying game) character, who is kind of a fantasy Roman. While writing down my measurements to make the tunica, I realised that this was such a simple parametric design that it could be a way for me to dip my toes into the coding part of Freesewing. And so I did. Even though it’s “only” a rectangle, I tried to put some things into it behind the scenes (seams?), some failchecks to ensure that it results in a wearable garment. Since it’s only a rectangle, there is not much wriggle room (pun intended) for fit, making it nice and easy but also challenging when you want to achieve a certain look (the length of the apparent “sleeves”, for example). Ziemlich faszinierend, One slightly hidden feature is the possibility to add positional markers for clavi, strips of colour on the tunica to denote rank and/or class. Ziemlich faszinierend, One slightly hidden feature is the possibility to add positional markers for clavi, strips of colour on the tunica to denote rank and/or class.

Der Name stammt übrigens von James T. Kirk, der das Glück hatte, Eltern zu haben, die anscheinend einige fragwürdige römische Kaiser mochten.



Also see [Lunetius Designer Notes](/docs/designs/lunetius/notes) and [Walburga Designer Notes](/docs/designs/walburga/notes).