Ума роздягається: Дизайнерські нотатки

This design is inspired by an earlier design (Ursula) which was created by my friend Natalia.

In the run-up to the v3 release, we discussed the migration of the various designs, and it became clear that for reasons (gestures vaguely towards people on the internet being rather unappreciative) the original designer was reluctant to continue maintaining their design.

Оскільки це досить гарний дизайн, не кажучи вже про популярність, ми домовилися, що я перевтілюю його в життя. While at it, I also made some changes that people had been asking for, such as the bulge option to make it gender-neutral.

Коротше кажучи:

  • Все, що є чудового в цьому дизайні, - завдяки Наталії.
  • Все, що поганого в цьому дизайні, - на мені.
