Ramoth's Simon Flannel

1 year, 5 months ago

FS Ramoth Simon Back.jpeg

Ramoth made this stunning upsized Simon for a cozy fall flannel. They increased the ease generally, and added a sleeve gusset to account for a fitting challenge. The stock version of the sleeves tend to pull tight at the shoulder/bicep when they moved their arms, but as you can see, the gusset solved that!

FS Ramoth Simon Side.jpeg FS Ramoth Simon Gusset.jpeg

They’re still having trouble with the collar ease — even at the max, it’s a bit tight. For the next round, Ramoth’s planning to fudge my neck measurement a bit to help with that.

And to wrap things up, this from Ramoth about using FreeSewing patterns: “Love that I am able to get patterns that I don’t have to shorten through the torso, though — that’s absolutely my favorite thing about freesewing!”

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