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  • Bumblebunch's dress based on the Bella block

Bumblebunch's dress based on the Bella block

3 years, ago

The talented Bumblebunch shared this dress based on the Bella bodice block! Who would have guessed it was made from an old bed sheet?!

Bumblebunch shared more “making of” info:

Used the [Bella] bodice from freesewing and used the good ol slash and spread method to create the pleats. Then I just sorta winged the skirt and pockets because I’ve made enough that I can kinda just eyeball

I basically cut up the waist dart on each side up to the neckline, spread the pieces out 2cm, and taped paper underneath to create extra volume for the fabric to fold over. Then I measured 2 inches away from the inner line and repeated until the whole bodice was about 3x in length. The back I just used as it printed

Another view


This picture is from Bumblebunch on Discord. It is reposted here with permission.

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