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  • Announcing Carlton, aka the Sherlock Holmes coat, and the Bent Body Block

Announcing Carlton, aka the Sherlock Holmes coat, and the Bent Body Block

6 years, 8 months ago

Good news everybody, we’ve got your cosplaying needs covered. That is, if you are cosplaying as Sherlock Holmes. Our newest pattern release, the Carlton Coat is exactly what the doctor prescribed if for some weird reason your doctor wants you to look like everyone’s favorite detective.

My memory is foggy on the exact origin of this endeavor. It probably involved me complaining about the cold and my lack of a warm winter coat, but apart from that, I’m not too sure.

What I do remember is that at one point, Anneke and myself decided that we would reverse-engineer the Sherlock Holmes coat. More specifically, the coat worn by Benedict Cumberbatch in the BBC series Sherlock Holmes.

That coat though

The coat is popular with cosplayers for obvious reasons, but it’s also just a really nice coat, and other brave souls such as Melissa have tried their hand at it.

I must admit that I didn’t know Melissa made a similar coat until mine was finished. Furthermore, her blog post mentions that she used the instructions in a livejournal post that is no longer available.

Anneke and myself did no such thing and just put the pattern together based on screengrabs from the TV show. We’re hardcore like that.

About the coat

Carlton is a double-breasted long overcoat in the tradition of horseback uniform coats where the back of the coat isn’t split, but rather has wide pleats that can drape over the back of the horse. Or, more realistically, fan open behind you as you walk about.

Front view of Carlton on yours truly Back view of Carlton on yours truly

It comes with two patch pockets on the front, two map pockets at the chest, and two inner pockets. Six pockets in total, so you’ll have plenty of room for all your belongings.

Map and patch pockets on the outside Inner pockets on the inside

I finished mine just in time for a trip to Köln to visit my beloved friend and tailor Sebastian Hoofs. It was cold as eff over there, but the coat kept me nice and warm. Not surprising since it’s made in a hefty wool I picked up in Bacci in Florence over the summer, and I took the extra step of interlining it with French terry (I really don’t like to be cold).

I have no affiliation with Bacci, I'm just a sucker for great fabric stores You can see the terry interlining where I peeled back the sleeve lining

Burn the patriarchy to the ground through the power of pockets

Ladies take note: Carlita --- a female version of Carlton --- is currently on the drawing board.

Initially, the plan was to release male and female versions side by side, but adapting the coat has proven to be more involved than anticipated because, well, because boobs.

I also feel like I have to keep too many plates spinning right now, so I’m hopeful that getting Carlton out the door will create some time/space to make Carlita follow soon(ish). Either way, I’ve promised Anneke that we’d do a female version, and she’s a freesewing Captain now, so I intend to keep that promise.

Oh, and about that title: When Carlita’s ready, she will have just as many pockets as Carlton.

Also, this: Introducing the Bent Body Block

We’re actually releasing two patterns today. Apart from the Carlton Coat, there’s also the Bent Body Block.

Bent is a two-part sleeve variation of our Brian Body Block. It’s essentially a base for coat and jacket patterns for menswear.

I originally designed Bent as a base for my refashioners 2017 zebra jacket, so you can expect that jacket pattern to also hit the site in the coming months.

Carlton is also based on Bent, so we’re giving you both today.

Have wonderful and happy holidays if you’re into that kind of thing. And happy making!

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